Ren'Py - Completed - Milfy City [v1.0e] [ICSTOR]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Apart from the awful time and communication from the developer. This game has not only been a long time legend in the adult game world, but also the best 3d cg adult game out there.

    Amazing characters and scenes, lot of potential for the DLC endings, and honestly I'm not sure how he made each character so hot.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the most finest porn game out there. Love the story of every character, almost all of their stories are pretty compelling. Almost none of them are boring, great story telling there. You'd always get some kind of satisfaction once you finised the character story arc.
    The 3d animated scenes are incredible as well, pretty smooth, though I wished it could be more fluid and more movements in some way you know. But it's good nonetheless. The money system, or the way to get the money was pretty a bit of a bummer (without cheat mode), kinda hard to get it in the late game because there' some characters that require us to have LOTS of money. Overall I enjoyed it, worth playing and spending your times for.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Milfy City is an adult visual novel that gained a massive following due to its high-quality artwork, engaging story, and well-designed characters. Developed by Icstor, the game places players in the role of a young man navigating relationships with various women, each with their own personalities and storylines. While the game has many strengths, it also has notable flaws that prevent it from being a top-tier experience.

    One of Milfy City’s biggest positives is its artwork. The character models are detailed, and the animations are smooth, making for an immersive visual experience. The writing is also decent, with some entertaining and playful dialogue that adds depth to the relationships. The sandbox elements, where players explore different locations and interact with characters, give a sense of freedom.

    However, Milfy City suffers from major development delays. The game has been in limbo for years, with little to no updates, leaving players frustrated. The story feels unfinished, and while the content that is available is enjoyable, it lacks a satisfying conclusion. The repetitive grind for progress can also be tedious.

    Overall, Milfy City had the potential to be one of the best in its genre, but its stalled development and lack of updates hold it back. It’s worth playing if you’re fine with an incomplete experience, but don’t expect closure anytime soon.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of [v1.0e]

    Click and point game with HOT MILFS who want to fuck you

    As I write it, it is the game.
    From the beginning your mother is already crazy about you and little by little you corrupt your sisters too.

    There are some puzzles and the money system is interesting.

    The big problem with this game is the MC
    He is unbearable and has no charisma and hes very stupid.

    And I'll give you a summary, I don't know if I'm going to resist, I'm about to cum.

    This phrase is repeated over and over again in sexual scenes, I wonder if he is a premature ejaculator or just an asshole

    Another thing when the MC it's about to CUM, two blank screen shots appear that repeat all the time, it's HORRIBLE


    • Very good quality renders
    • Many sexual scenes
    • The incest part is the best
    • It puts you quite into the story
    • Animations are hot and fine


    • Unbearable and stupid MC
    • There is no hint of audio in the sexual scenes
    • It gets repetitive all the time
    • Women all love you without any sense

    RATING :

    Content: ⭐⭐⭐
    Sound: ⭐⭐
    Renders: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Characters: ⭐
    Animations: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Final conclusion: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ FUCK MILF & INCEST GAME
    You have to deal with the MC...
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    After a long wait for this game to be finished, I can confidently say it was worth it. I truly enjoyed every scene and wished I could play even longer. I look forward to the next creation from this talented developer—great job, and continue the amazing work!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    this game took forever to be finished but it's still one of the best games ever made. The animation and the story works. There is not too much grinding. It's top class wish there were more like it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Man, this Game is so fucking good, i love it, i hope really, they will make more Gameplay, its a pitty, that i cant use Steam in my Country, if someone can tell me how to use Steam with VPN, please Message, thanks
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the sandbox system, it actually requires skill to make which i appreciate! Caroline! she is 5* alone! the animations and renders are stunning and still hold up near enough 5 years later! development took the piss! yes, but in the end we did get a finished product! I love the repeatable scenes and felel that in VN's we dont get them at all!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid 4/5 for this particular game. Better than some other stuff that I’ve read, but it also has some groan inducing things that cannot be ignored.

    I’ll start with the positives first and the main reason I tried this game. Footjobs. Footjobs, footjobs and even more footjobs. Footjobs of every variation, from every angle, from almost every woman in the game and written in such fine detail. It’s clear that whoever worked on this game, there is a very high chance that they do indeed have a Foot Fetish. Coming from a fellow enjoyer of the niche, such detail does not and cannot be written by someone unless they have the thing. It’s like a hidden sense between fellow comrades. No words need to be said. You just know. Or I’m completely wrong and overthinking things but methinks with a high degree of confidence that I am correct. Either way, it’s very much appreciated considering it is a niche that is not explored very much in most games.

    Of course there are other types of scenes as well. Not just footjobs. I just had to point out how crazy it was that there was so many. But that’s enough gushing about that. About the PC. He is alright. A bit of a goober but most tend to be in these kinds of games. The important thing is that he does have a personality. Not too long ago read another visual novel that had the blandest PC ever and because of that, he held the entire game back and I had to drop it about halfway through even though there were some arcs I did want to finish, but I just couldn’t take it anymore, so I had to stop for my own sanity's sake. I don’t get that feeling here. He is not the best written PC ever, but he serves his purpose without ruining things and that is good enough for me. The women are also okay. None of the arcs really leaped out at me as brilliant, but neither were they a slog. Although some make you wonder why they are even counted as an arc in the first place because they were either too short or actually non-existent.

    So now I got to talk about the stuff I didn’t like very much. First is something that I consider a major flaw in this game and from what I read from other people, it’s been a problem for a while now, and that is earning money. There are a few ways to do so throughout the story, some ways can only be done a limited number of times before they cannot be done again. The two main and most consistent ways of making money are the two mini games on the computer in your room. One being rock-paper-scissors and the other is a card matching game. Both of which are not very fun and have very low payouts. Sometimes in the game you will have to pay a character upwards to a thousand dollars at a time in order to advance their arc, and those games pay out twenty-five and fifty dollars per game, so you end up having to play them far too much. It can take up to thirty minutes of repeat mini games just to earn enough. They even joke about this in the game, so they already knew that it was bad. Honestly this just isn’t good for a game like this. They should have had an easier way to do this later in the game and reserved this kind of thing for early game. It is just torture.

    Then there is some of the jokes. This game is filled with a lot of hard comedy and way too many 4th wall jokes. I find that with those, you either love them or hate them. I am not a fan of 4th wall jokes so whenever they occur it is extremely groan inducing for me and not funny. But it is not something that ruins the game in general, just for some people. I wouldn’t have minded a few here or there but for me there were just way too many. Another thing I didn’t like was how there were story arcs that just went nowhere as far as I know. One of them had no scenes. Just a woman constantly rejecting your advances until she eventually reveals she is a lesbian and then the arc is marked as completed. What was even the point of that? Another arc, the first thing you do is pay someone a thousand dollars (tying into the earning money issue) to get a blowjob, and then the arc is done. Why even mark that as an arc at all? But I suppose I digress.

    In conclusion, the game is pretty good. Has some things I really didn’t like about it, but nothing extremely game breaking that would make me want to not finish it. And credit where credit is due, the insane amount of footjobs were an extremely nice touch. As least for me. If I had to give the developers any advice, it would be to make it much less tedious to earn money and maybe tone it down with the 4th wall breaking. You can have it, but maybe not in such abundance as this game as after a while it really breaks immersion way too much.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, Milfy City even after all those years is not a completed game. You can put "Final Edition" in the name of the game but that doesn't make it complete. Content promised years ago still is not delivered. DLCs with that content already missed promised release window. But still, Milfy City is a solid and enjoyable game, huge step up compared to previous games from this developer.

    This game few years back was one the most popular titles in this genre. Many things was already said about this title, its really hard to add anything new. But in my honest opinion this game gets a lot of undeserved hate, only because of the dev. The game itself is pretty damn good, with really good amount of quality content. There are some issues, mainly the game is a bit grindy. Especially in two moments where we have to give 1000$ to other characters. Outside of those two moments, it's not that bad, you can find hundreds of dollars just laying around in different locations. Story and setting is pretty basic, with MC living with his family and going to school where he tries to ask his teacher on a date. After being rejected and humiliated he plans a revenge. Surprisingly enough, school psychiatrist plays a huge role in this and also in his relationships with his family members. It's rather typical incest story with some nice twists on the formula. This time around MC mother is from the get go into his son, and she's the one who is initiating sexual relationship with him. It's a nice change, since pretty much in all other incest games, the mother is always the hardest one to get, MC have to corrupt her and we have to deal with typical incest BS: oh we can't do it, it's wrong, you're my son! We also have rather typical younger sister and an older sister which is far more reluctant about having romantic relationship with his brother. For incest enthusiasts this should be rather pleasurable experience. Overall LIs in MC are pretty solid, pretty much all of them have their own agenda and personality. Different girls have their own routes, shorter or longer but unfortunately, thanks to game not being finished, the game doesn't have any endings. You're just finishing girls routes and thats it. You have some repeatable events but the game doesn't have an end.

    The visual quality is pretty good for an older title. Renders, models and animations all look really, really good. Honestly, this game have one of the best looking models i ever saw in porn games. You can see sometimes there is different lighting between renders and animations in the same scene so sometimes it looks a bit weird. Newer scenes doesn't have this issue anymore. I also didn't like the night scenes that much, for me most of the time they were too dark. Sex scenes in general are quite good, some of them are actually great, longer with few different positions and animations. Not that many of those great ones, but overall sex scenes are quite hot and enjoyable. There are a lot of comments saying that Milfy City aged quite a bit and it's visual are outdated by today standards but that's not true. Many newer games still can't reach this level of visual quality. There is actually pretty decent amount of content. There is more then 90 main scenes and we have some repatable events and horny calls on top of that. There is some music in the game, nothing too crazy, no sex sounds tho.

    Ultimately, Milfy City is a quite enjoyable game. It's still not truly completed but it offers more than 30 hours of good quality content. I mean, there is a reason why this game was once one of he best things this genre have to offer. It's not perfect or anything but it's good. Nothing more, nothing less.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, although it's story is kinda lacking. Scene are good and characters are great. It would be better if all of the weekend events were repeatable, and if it were an "easier" way to grind the money events (towards the end, it's kinda draining to repeat the mini game for 100th time)
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The intial premise is not a bad one, however the structure and the writing itself is unenjoyable. The main character grandstands a lot, I feel how the MC is written is cringeworthy and i don't use that terminolgy often. I have played since early on with hopes that it would get better but ended up disappointed. The MC character acts like a childs wet dream. He is very dislikable. they storylines themselves have potential but with how they are written involving the MC, I find myself rolling my eyes. I'm not looking for a super indepth character when it comes to MCs but at least add some substance and make it seem like it is not just some loser's fantasy. For example just look at the whole delilah and older sister storylines. Hell even the aunt and neighbor. I think that if the game started as the MC who doesn't know much, but then expands his knowledge on how to talk and interact with women it would be better. All in all the only reason i kept coming back was the model. The female were very attractive and that's is why i did't give it a 1.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    You are motivated me to develop games with some others games (nlt media, summertime saga etc.) I think this game is brillianf of nsfw games. It is surprised for me that have only 3 stars rating. Nice plot, characters, locations. Absolutely love your work!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall - 7/10
    Very hot models + renders + animations save this game - everything else is kinda meh
    Go around helping women progressing with their plots -> sex -> help -> loop. Not much logic, but porn game with good images + animations brain like.
    Must use mod - from infinite money to know where you have to go to progress
    Story - 4/10
    MC - inconsistent thinking, but can do no wrong -> all women like you
    All characters have their storylines - help them -> sex -> loop
    Some much better than others, overall still kinda meh
    Nothing really captivating -> skipped/fast skimmed through most of it
    Renders/models - 9/10
    Characters and game looks amazing. best part of game easily (Caroline in particular)
    Animation/Hscenes - 8/10
    Smooth animations + hot models
    Mostly vanilla stuff, some sprinkled bdsm
    No moans or sloppy sounds just BGM
    Sound - 4/10
    simple bgm + sfx - could've been a lot better
    Playability - 4/10
    MOD REQUIRED - Location + time to progress a characters' storyline
    Uses time: Morning, noon. evening and night -> annoying thing many things occur at the same time. A lot of skipping time and sleeping to progress. Also weekend events only can do 1 per weekend.
    Simple puzzles, no combat.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Milfy City [v1.0e] [ICSTOR]
    1. Excellent quality of image renders. Highlighting the skin tone flaws at elbow and knee for the elderlies are too realistic.
    2. Excellent quality of animations. Overall quality of renders and animations is pretty damn high.
    3. Huge content with lot of female characters of various attitude.
    4. Sound: Fairly good; more focused on door operating sound mostly.
    5. MC’s worry / reluctance about his father being betrayed is impressive but we players are forced to do so.
    6. Females lip biting expressions are well expressed.

    1. Incest approach with mom being bit casual, no impact, not so effective. Generally, mom’s reluctance to give-up the morality will be more effective/interesting; unfortunately, we miss that in this story/game.
    2. Clashing of schedule is lot; waste of time and leads to frustrations. Luckily some of the schedules are able to perform two events.
    3. Navigation to various location is not so effective; needs to click a lot. Restricting the map activeness is limited to certain location only is not good.
    4. Some sound needs improvement; for example, most of the cases the scene change will end up with door closing sound; but such sound must be eliminated for sneaking actions like MC sneaking to his parent’s room in night also end up with such sound is no logic.
    5. Some BSDM being unavoidable is not good.
    6. Playability/performance: Often the change scenes are pretty slow, as well the starting of the game (while launching the game) is damn slow.
    7. Huge number of hidden cards which doesn’t give any value / purpose.
    8. Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach.
    9. Some error for me that I couldn’t get the ‘Mom’s week end event’ – Maybe it’s due to the cheat (by 0x52_URM) I used.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    - About the story, let's be honest this story is just to have fun and laugh about it, its different plots are not to be taken seriously, except for maybe Delilah's plot (the best one IMO) and for some reason the developer decided to cut it short, xD I can only imagine what happened through the developers minds "Hey... this is getting too interesting and too serious... fuck no! lets cut it short!" xD.

    - MC's behaviour is inconsistent. At times He is bold, very confident and other times he becomes shy for stupid reasons. Girls are average, but they look good.

    - Renders and animations are great.

    - Music / Sounds: I liked most of the tunes.

    - Playability: I like Sandbox games and I think it was properly implemented here. I liked the idea of looking for secret renders, also the minigames (most of them).

    - Others: I'm not sure if this game should be tagged as "COMPLETED", I mean... Main Plots were clearly rushed with a lot of loose ends and other plots were just cut short.

    Overall I'd give this game a 7.5/10, despite its issues I laughed a lot due to its ridiculous plots with good animations and nice playabilty.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Initially showed a lot of potential, before the dev became unpredictable. The post hiatus update seems rushed or not in the same creative level as before it.

    I mean my watch thought I was having a heart attack when I was playing through Linda lifting Sara's skirt in the kitchen.

    Some of the harem routes should have been built as teased.

    I had pretty much dropped this game off the radar after dropping my patreon sub for ICSTOR. The guy could not meet a single deadline he committed.

    Still think had it not been Onyx, this would have never been complete.

    Navigation is not the best I've seen, but the game is really responsive.

    I have no hopes for Milfy Mafia
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    When this came out it was the GOAT. Amazing animations, models, the works.

    At about the 4th update the dev lost steam and the next ones were...painful.

    After the 6th or so he completely gave up.

    The game right now plays like an amazing beginning with a terribly disappointing end. For me it'll always be a 1/5 because of how much we loved it and how badly it let us down, but I'm trying to be objective - it's still pretty ok.

    Graphics still great, has aged well, the minigames are bearable, most of the storylines are readable, totally fine I guess.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Ataru Moroboshi

    To be honest, I frickin fuckin love it really much!

    I wish the developer of the game still making updates to the game but luckily I saw their post that they going to release the Impregnant update and more exciting updates (I'm really crazy psycho for it nah Just kidding) I'd play the game straight but now I didn't finish it still but some character of them I finished them. I like his Sister and his mother. Very hot and sexy it feels like Harem really Harem every girls in the town has a interested with on you. (God I wish that was me)

    Big kudos to ICSTOR
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This was the first VN I ever played, and it’s where I fell in love with this type of game.

    I even made sure to give a special shoutout to ICSTOR in my own game.

    Playing Milf City was an awesome experience. Big thanks, ICSTOR!