Good ol Bebe Rexha…the Albanian who is disappointing her dad with her slutty porno behavior that doesn’t seem like slutty or porno behavior to her or her peers…since this is the norm…but to old timers like me, and I guess her dad…it’s just trashy shamelessness that we’d expect from some attention seeking whore…not from every single woman everywhere…without remember that ever single women everywhere is an insecure attention seeking whore…and now that it’s normal and mainstream for them to behave like this, they all do it, hoping to fit in..
They call it the patriarchy, but they do it to them damn sense…the mainstream competing for eyeballs with the porn scene cuz the porn scene is more rewarding cuz you get to see cunt.
The point is that this fat chick is near 30, and has been in the industry ignored for years, only to come out tits a blazing for the world to see her and it was only when her tits were a blazing…whoring out all over the place that she was noticed…cuz tits get hits…
It doesn’t mean her hit songs are of value or actual hits….but people don’t care about quality anyway so she’ll bank money with her masturbatory low quality fodder….and feel good about her fat self as she makes all the money she needs to eat all the bad foods her fat ass wants…you know like the next Christina Aguilera.
The whole thing is pretty gross…but it’s busty gross.

Posted in:Bebe Rexha|SFW