Guidelines & Rules: Non-Nude Collections
In addition to the Global Rules, the following section specific rules apply here.
Definition: Non-Nude Collections
What to post???
- All models MUST be 18 and up without exception.
- Sets must be primarily non-nude. Sheer, slips, peeps, panty-play and topless are allowed.
- Posted content must be tasteful, and, may be removed, without question, at the discretion of Moderator.
- Trading, or requests for Trades is unacceptable, including through PM's, Emails, & Chat.
- Create a new thread for each Model, Website, or other unique collection. Complete Sets must be posted, when available
- It is strongly suggested that content posted in Non-Nude originate from sites that primarily focus on non-nude content.
- Add all images as clickable thumbnails.
- Thumbnails must be at least 150 px in either dimension.
- All images must be posted on the same image-host. A cover photo may still be posted on another image-host.
- Every set you post must consist of image links unique to ViperGirls.
- Piling on re-up requests is unacceptable.
- Before adding photo/video content to an existing thread, you must receive permission from the Original Poster.
- Do Not Bump Older Threads by replying, rather, click on like.
- If you wish to post an already existing set of your own to your Collections Thread/Post, you must re-up first(all threads/posts must have unique links).
- The OP of a new set can post that set to their own collection thread. All other members must wait 90 days before posting a set that is not theirs from new into their collection thread.
- Videos can be posted .
- Video content must be hosted on downloadable filehosts, and should not be provided through links to streaming sites like youtube. A thumbnail of the video should be posted to accompany the link.
- Do Not re-post any content that, in your opinion, is non compliant with Non-Nude Guidelines & Rules, rather, Report it. Although it is a re-post, you are responsible for the content of your own post
- Do Not Re-Post your own content.
Banned Models/Sites
- 1st Studio\Siberian Mouse
- amandamilano
- angelglammodel
- anjyu kouzuki
- ArtModelingStudios - Cherish
- ArtModelingStudios - Lolly
- ArtModelingStudios - Trixie
- ArtModelingStudios - Liliana
- avaglammodel
- Belinda Play, BelyPlay
- biancabell
- brianna dayley
- Brima Models
- charlottealondra
- chasity-model
- danielle-model
- Deli-model
- DolceMods
- floridasunmodels
- gabrielle-teen-model
- jackieglammodel
- jaclynnemarie
- kailyn-teen-model
- lauren-model
- libbyturner
- Little Agency Melissa
- Miss Kimmy[,,, and]
- modeljordanleigh
- modellibby
- Naomi and Sergei Duo and any associated sites.
- rosieford
- southern teen models
- Star Sessions
- teenglamourgirls
- tessanicole
- Tropical Cuties
- truebabes
- trueteenbabes
- violet-model
- Vladmodels Katya Y111
- Vladmodels Anya/Oxi Y148
- Vladmodels Karina Y107
- Vladmodels Kristine Y148
It is your responsibility to read and adhere to these Guidelines & Rules. If in doubt, Please, ask first.
Guidelines & Rules are subject to change, therefore, Please review, as necessary.